The Meadow Mouse!

Moles and Voles are often confused as being the same critter, but they aren't. Moles tunnel in turf and raise the dirt while voles usually make a 1 to 2-inch-wide pathway on top of the [...]

The Meadow Mouse!2023-08-18T15:40:21+00:00

Let’s Talk Carpet Beetles

Carpet beetles are often mistaken for bed bugs even though after close examination they are distinctly different. The problem arises when the carpet beetle adults are found on clothing, carpet, furniture, leather products, feathers or [...]

Let’s Talk Carpet Beetles2023-08-18T15:39:12+00:00

Pennsylvania Wood Cockroaches

The months of May and June are Months for peak activity for the Pennsylvania Wood Roach. This type of roach is an "outdoorsy" bug. In fact, they cannot survive inside the home easily because there [...]

Pennsylvania Wood Cockroaches2023-08-18T15:35:59+00:00

Mud Daubers – The Other Solitary Wasp

Mud Daubers are very recognizable by the cylindrical mud tubes they build that are left on structures. These mud tubes resemble pipe organ pipes that may be single in nature or in a cluster. Mud [...]

Mud Daubers – The Other Solitary Wasp2023-08-18T15:33:53+00:00


Did you know that chiggers are not insects? Actually, they are immature mites known as larva; and only the larval stage of the mite bites humans. Adult chiggers lay from one to five eggs in [...]


Subterranean Termites in Indiana

Did you know that there is one species of termite that is native to Indiana? The Subterranean Termite normally develops colonies in the soil. Termites are social insects that have different castes that perform important [...]

Subterranean Termites in Indiana2023-08-18T15:30:48+00:00

Honeybees Natures Treasure

Did you know that honeybees are responsible for over 80% of pollination of the plant foods that humans eat? Without pollinators, we as the human race would be food poor in a very short period [...]

Honeybees Natures Treasure2023-08-18T15:22:49+00:00

Hover Flies – The Non-Stinging Insect Pest

Hover Flies are often mistaken for sweat bees, but there are a few differences. I am sure that you have encountered them on hot, sunny, humid days swarming around and wanting to land on arms [...]

Hover Flies – The Non-Stinging Insect Pest2023-08-18T14:31:36+00:00

Yellow Sac Spiders

Brown Recluse and Black Widow spiders have great mane recognition for being the only two venomous spiders in the state of Indiana, however there is another spider that is of special interest that should [...]

Yellow Sac Spiders2023-08-17T18:03:28+00:00

King and Queens – The Ant Monarchy

Did you know that ant colonies have a queen bet do not have a king? The ant monarchy is totally unfair in my opinion! Unlike monarchies in the human species, members of an ant [...]

King and Queens – The Ant Monarchy2023-08-17T18:03:28+00:00
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