As Fall is upon us and we settle into cooler temperatures, it is important to consider possible pains and dangers of overlooking typical fall insect issues. This article is just a reminder to keep your eyes open and be observant. The more aware we are the less problems we will encounter in nature.

During the fall many insect species are in the adult stage of development. Bees and wasps are two insects that become more aggressive during the fall. Bees and some wasp species are social meaning that they all work for the good of the nest is a necessity for continuation of the species. Get prepared for stings from social insects when they feel the nest is threatened. Be aware of the area around you. Look for more than normal activity in the yard indicating ground dwelling species when mowing as well as looking for wasps and bees around soffits, windows, doors, or holes in siding. What may be just an uncomfortable encounter with stinging pest for some may also be a life – threatening event for others who have an allergic reaction.

Another insect that can cause a painful bite or sting is the Wheel Bug which is one of the Kissing Bug family. A wheel bug, kissing bug, has a long probiscis, much like a stinger, on its head that can produce a very painful sensation. The Wheel Bug and the Assassin Bug do not transmit disease, but they can introduce pathogens into the human body causing discomfort and continued skin irritations which are unwelcome and just plain aggravating.