Mike’s Pest Blog
Understanding Piney Squirrels
Especially in the fall of the year one may hear mysterious sounds in crawl areas, attics or walls. Although it may seem that a ghostly [...]
Little Brown Bats — Friend or Foe?
Did you know that Indiana bats are responsible for eating many insects that could conceivably affect over 3 billion dollars in agricultural loss if our [...]
Phorid Fly – The Other Filth Fly
Of all the filth flies that have been discussed in previous articles, there is one species that is just especially nasty, especially in restaurants and [...]
The Owls Moonlight Serenade
Last night I was awakened by an unusual sound. This was not a dream I assure you because my dog Hope heard it too. The [...]
How does Weather and Barometric Pressure affect Insects…and more!
Did you know that insects and even animals are affected by weather and barometric pressure? Not only can insects respond to changes in temperatures, but [...]
Cluster or Attic Flies in the Home
On occasion a homeowner may find an unusual number of large black sluggish flies in the home. At first thought, one may believe that flies [...]
No-See-Ums Are they Real?
During the dog days of summer, it is not unusual to be pestered by small, nearly microscopic biting flies. What are they? Where do they [...]
Common House Spiders – King of the Cobwebs
Although common house spiders are of little consequence to humans due to their small medical impact on humans, they are of importance due to being [...]
Fungus Gnats and Houseplants
How do fungus gnats enter the home? If one finds gnats and cannot find the source, what should a homeowner do? Put yourself in the [...]
Boxelder Bugs ~ the Other Occasional Invader
Boxelder Bugs are a unique insect that typically feed on sap from tender leaves or seeds produced by the female of the boxelder tree, ash, [...]