Mike’s Pest Blog
Wildlife in Your Yard: When to Call a Professional
It's natural to see animals in your yard, but occasionally they take on more than just guest status. Other animals including squirrels, raccoons, skunks, and [...]
Wasps in Wintertime
I am sure that many readers have experienced the disturbing experience of seeing a wasp in the dead of winter in some of the most [...]
Termite Damage: How to Spot the Early Signs
Silent invaders, termites can seriously compromise your house before you even know they exist. These little insects eat wood, which, if uncontrolled, can cause structural [...]
Are Spiders in Your Home Dangerous? What You Need to Know
Spiders may be found in many households. While some people regard them as useful as they consume insects, others dread them. Most house spiders really [...]
Bat bugs vs. Bed bugs
There is no doubt about it Bed bugs are notorious and in recent years a real curse for homeowners and the general public. Did you [...]
Coyotes – Indiana’s Children of the Night
Did you know that the coyote only has 2 natural predators in the State of Indiana? One would be the Bald Eagle. Actually, the eagle [...]
Why DIY Pest Control Often Fails (and What to Do Instead)
Many people's first reaction when bugs infiltrate their house is to attempt to manage them on their own. Getting a can of spray or putting [...]
H5N1 Avian Influenza– Impacts on our World
Bird and animal diseases have a great impact on health and economics from the life of the animals and birds to humans and the entire [...]
Top Things Attracting Cockroaches to Your Home
Among the pests that may infiltrate your house the most persistently are cockroaches. Sometimes we aren't even conscious of what is attracting them, yet they [...]
Powderpost Beetles – What are they?
During inspections it is quite common to see evidence of wood destroying beetles many times referred to as powderpost beetles. Two of the most common [...]