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So far Mike Dooley has created 87 blog entries.

Brown Recluse Spider

Most spiders that live in structures are harmless and, in most cases, very beneficial in controlling other insect pests. However, in Indiana there are two potentially dangerous spiders. The Brown Recluse and the Black Widow. [...]

Brown Recluse Spider2024-03-18T20:27:02+00:00

Diseases and Health Effects Associated with Raccoons

Earlier articles have dealt with raccoon biology and suggestions on how to protect you and your property from nuisance wildlife introduction into your home. Today the subject continues but from another angle. What kind of [...]

Diseases and Health Effects Associated with Raccoons2024-03-12T15:56:03+00:00

Becoming Familiar with Raccoons

Raccoons are certainly cute and funny members of the wildlife family, but it is a good idea to take a refresher course on raccoons and the dangers of having them take residence in your home. [...]

Becoming Familiar with Raccoons2024-03-05T14:09:55+00:00

The Deafening Event of 2024

The title sounds almost scary, but truly it is not. 2024 is a special year in the realm of entomology. It is the year that two broods of cicadas emerge at the same time. The [...]

The Deafening Event of 20242024-02-26T15:52:18+00:00

Household Foggers -Friend of Foe?

It is common when an insect problem is discovered to run to the store and grab a “bug bomb.” Let us think about this and evaluate whether this is a good idea or not. There [...]

Household Foggers -Friend of Foe?2024-02-19T15:06:48+00:00

Love is in the Air

The month of February is considered the month of love, and rightly so with Valentine's Day celebrating togetherness and bonding relationships.  What about animals? Do they celebrate romance? Well, not really, but many nuisance animals [...]

Love is in the Air2024-02-13T17:47:14+00:00

Just How Tough is a Cockroach?

One of the most resilient insects in the world is the cockroach. Why would that be? What makes them such survivors? The purpose of this article is to investigate an insect with the amazing ability [...]

Just How Tough is a Cockroach?2024-02-05T14:50:12+00:00

Happy Groundhog Day!

The first official Groundhog Day in the United States took place February 2, 1887. Why February 2nd? The ancient Celts celebrated a pagan holiday called Imbolc marking the beginning of spring while Christians in the [...]

Happy Groundhog Day!2024-01-29T14:24:54+00:00

Coyote Breeding Season

January brings us a new year along with another coyote breeding season. While official breeding season does not typically start until February, males are looking to mate now. About 4 to 6 pups are born [...]

Coyote Breeding Season2024-01-22T17:09:12+00:00

In Search of the Rogue Rat

I know that the title sounds like a movie title, but it is far from fiction. In our area, rogue rats are normally of the species Norway rat. If a Norway rat has found his [...]

In Search of the Rogue Rat2024-01-15T14:58:14+00:00
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