Pest Control Professionals are often called to identify what is to be believed to be insect bites. We are not health professionals and anytime a mark, puncture or raised area that is of concern it is good to consult a health professional should be consulted. Even when that is done many times even the health professional cannot accurately identify the problem or cause of marks on the body. With all that being said there are signs that may lead us to different types of bites and the insect that has produced them.
If an insect is the cause of the problem, there are certain clues that may bring light to the unknown ailment. Below are some common descriptions of insect bites.
Bed bugs generally bite in sets of 3. The reason for this type of behavior is that bed bugs generally bite to feed then move and bite to feed again then many times travels to bite and feed once more to gain enough blood to be filled. The traveling is due to searching for areas that are suitable for feeding. If the victim is sensitive and allergic to the bed bug bite the results may be severe with raised areas manifesting in a ferocious itching. Be aware that some people do not have any allergic reaction and never feel an itch or see any disturbance on the skin.
Spider bites will evidence themselves in two small puncture wounds causing swelling, red welts, rash or small blisters. There are only two poisonous spiders in Indiana, and they are not aggressive and only bite when threatened or disturbed. Most spiders are venomous but that does not mean they could produce enough venom to in any way to harm a human.
Mosquitos leave one puncture that allows the probiscis to penetrate and suck blood but only after clearing the tube of the last blood meal before starting to feed again. Some mosquitos are disease carriers and are considered the most dangerous insect on earth due to disease transmission. Mosquito bites look like a welt that is itchy.
Flea bites are normally found in clusters around the feet, ankles, armpits, elbows and legs. Once again if the victim is not allergic to the bite, they may never feel the itch.
Other insects like ticks, chiggers, scabies and lice are also of concern that cause irritations along with non-insect concerns like hives, fungal infections and dermatitis. In all cases health care professionals working with pest control specialists can many times figure out what is causing the problem and offer ideas to gain relief.